Home Culture and Events Suryanagar Friends Union Club Initiates Durga Puja Preparations with ‘Khutti Puja’ in...

Suryanagar Friends Union Club Initiates Durga Puja Preparations with ‘Khutti Puja’ in Siliguri

Siliguri, Jul 15 (Siliguri Journal) – Suryanagar Friends Union Club has officially started their Durga Puja preparations with the ‘Khutti Puja’ ceremony, coinciding with Ulta Rath Yatra. This year is particularly special as the club celebrates its 70th year of hosting the festival.

Renowned for their innovative themes, the Suryanagar Friends Union Club is set to captivate the city once again by showcasing the rich traditions of rural Bengal. The club members, dedicated to creating a memorable Puja Mandap, are optimistic that their efforts will win the admiration of the townspeople.

The ‘Khutti Puja’ marks the first step in the intricate and extensive preparations for the grand Durga Puja celebrations, promising another year of cultural and artistic excellence.

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